Showing posts with label From The Source. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From The Source. Show all posts

Archeologists Suspect Vampire Burial; An Undead Primer.

on Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Discovery of a suspected vampire burial site is not a first for archaeologists.

Heather Pringle for National Geographic
Published July 15, 2013

When archaeologists opened an ancient grave at a highway construction site near Gliwice, Poland, they came across a scene from a horror movie: a suspected vampire burial.

Interred in the ground were skeletal remains of humans whose severed heads rested upon their legs—an ancient Slavic burial practice for disposing of suspected vampires, in hopes that decapitated individuals wouldn't be able to rise from their tombs.

But the recent Polish discovery isn't the first time that archaeologists have stumbled upon graves of those thought to be undead. Here's what science has to tell us about a few of history's famous revenant suspects.

How to Bury the Undead

To date, researchers have reported suspected vampire burials in both the Old World and the New World.

In the 1990s, University of British Columbia archaeologist Hector Williams and his colleagues discovered an adult male skeleton whose body had been staked to the ground in a 19th-century cemetery on the Greek island of Lesbos. Whoever buried the man had driven several eight-inch-long iron spikes through his neck, pelvis, and ankle.

"He was also in a heavy but nearly completely decayed wooden coffin," says Williams, "while most of the other burials [in the cemetery] were simply in winding sheets in the earth." Clearly, someone did not want the man to escape the grave. But when physical anthropologists studied the skeleton, Williams adds, they "found nothing especially unusual about him."

More recently, an archaeological team led by University of Florence forensic anthropologist Matteo Borrini came across another suspected vampire burial on the Italian island of Lazzaretto Nuovo. In this case, the body proved to be that of an elderly woman, who was apparently interred with a moderate-sized brick in her mouth—a recorded form of exorcism once practiced on suspected vampires in Italy.

Then there's the New World. In the 1990s, archaeologists working in a small 18th- to 19th-century cemetery near Griswold, Connecticut, came across something highly unusual: the grave of a 50-something-year-old man whose head and upper leg bones had been laid out in a "skull and crossbone" pattern.

Upon examination, physical anthropologists determined that the man had died of what was then called "consumption"—and what is now known as tuberculosis. Those who suffer from this infectious disease grow pale, lose weight, and appear to waste away—attributes commonly linked both to vampires and their victims.

"The vampire's desire for 'food' forces it to feed off living relatives, who suffer a similar 'wasting away,'" the researchers noted in a paper in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.  To play it safe, local inhabitants seem to have decapitated the body of the suspected vampire.

The Dead Truth

Most archaeologists now think that a belief in vampires arose from common misunderstandings about diseases such as tuberculosis, and from a lack of knowledge about the process of decomposition.

Although most 19th-century Americans and Europeans were familiar with changes in the human body immediately following death, they rarely observed what happened in the grave during the following weeks and months.

For one thing, rigor mortis eventually disappears, resulting in flexible limbs. For another, the gastrointestinal tract begins to decay, producing a dark fluid that could be easily mistaken for fresh blood during exhumation—creating the appearance of a postprandial vampire.

Turkish Man Wears Helmet-Like Head Cage To Quit Smoking.

on Friday, July 5, 2013

In an unusual bid to quit smoking, a 42-year-old man in the western province of Kütahya has begun wearing a helmet-like wire cage on his head, locked on two sides.

İbrahim Yücel, who is trying to kick a 26-year habit of smoking two packets of cigarettes per day, gives the keys of his head cage to his wife and daughter when he leaves home every day. In this way, he is unable to open the cage to smoke during the day, even if he craves a smoke.

He says he was inspired to create the helmet-like head cage by observing motorcycle helmets, after trying without success to quit smoking several times in the past. His father died of lung cancer caused by smoking some years ago.

Since donning the head cage two days ago, Yücel has not smoked a single cigarette.

At first shocked by the extraordinary contraption, his family now supports Yücel's determined bid to stop smoking.

Ten Strange Places In The World.

on Friday, June 21, 2013



Stonehenge is the UK's most important ancient monument and has been throughout history. It's one of Britain's most important tourist destinations and attracts about 900,000 visitors every year. It was visited by Romans stationed in the region and a Saxon burial on the site confirms that it was seen as a place of religious significance during both the dark and middle ages. The earliest known written reference appears in 937 AD with regard to a land deed from King Athelstan to Wilton Abbey which refers to 'Stanheyeg'. It's near impossible to imagine how Neolithic people managed to build it and rearrange it several times over the millennia. It's important to pagans and druids as a religious site and is at the centre of the British crop-circle phenomenon. Some archaeologists believe it was a temple while others believe that it represented a doorway into the afterlife.

Stonehenge is at the heart of an ancient stone-age complex that is far larger than the monument that can still be seen today.



The strange and weirdly beautiful terraced pools of Pamukkale have been appreciated for over two millennia and yet still remain a little known wonder of the world. Thousands of years ago earthquakes, which are common in Turkey, created fractures that allowed powerful hot springs to bring water rich in calcium carbonate to the surface. As the water evaporated the chalky material condensed and formed layer-upon-layer of Travertine and thus slowly built up the walls over time in the same way that a stalactite forms in a cave. Apparently Pammakale means Castle of Cotton but the Greco-Romans built a town above it called Heirapolis – meaning “Holy City” or “Sacred City”. They too recognised it as a rare and important place attributing healing powers to the milky-white waters.

Pamukkale is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and to save them from further damage, the pools have been closed to the tourists that once bathed in their waters.



These large, spherical, alien and strangely beautiful boulders are mainly located on Koekohe Beach, part of the Otago coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Known as “Moeraki Boulders” they were originally formed on the sea floor from sedimentary deposits that accreted around a core in the same way that a pearl will form around a particle of sand. The erosion of the cliffs often reveals these boulders from the surrounding mudstone allowing them to join those already on the beach. Some of the larger boulders weigh several tonnes and can be up to three metres wide.Maori legend attributes their origin to the arrival of the first ancestors / giants who came in the great Araiteuru canoe which was sunk by three great waves at nearby Matakaea.

It is said by the Maoris that some of the surviving crew of the Araiteuru canoe were turned into stone and became mountains. The Moeraki boulders are said to be the pots and chattels from the canoe.



Beppu, located on the Japanese island of Kyūshū, is the second largest producer of geothermal water in the world. Located in the same area are the “Nine Hells” or ponds that each has its own remarkable character and colour thanks to the variety of minerals in the outflows. These “Hells” are a popular tourist attraction in Japan but are little known outside of the country. Seven of the strange geothermal springs are located in the Kannawa area and are known as: Sea or Ocean Hell (Umi Jigoku), Shaven Head Hell (Oniishibozu Jigoku), Cooking Pot Hell (Kamado Jigoku), Mountain Hell (Yama Jigoku), Devil or Monster Mountain Hell (Oniyama Jigoku,) Golden Dragon Hell (Kinryu Jigoku) and White Pond Hell (Shiraike Jigoku).

Further away in the Shibaseki District are Blood - Pond Hell (Chinoike Jigoku) - right - and Waterspout Hell (Tatsumaki Jigoku).



At the summit of Mount Teide, one of the largest Island volcanoes in the World is the Las Cañadas caldera. The crater, which is an enourmous sixteen kilometres across, is a picture of what Hell might look like if it cooled a little. Sheer walls that formed when the caldera first collapsed encircle this dry and alien place. And, with an arrogance than can only be accepted as typical, humanity has built roads and observatories across this no mans land that is little more than a plug over a sleeping yet still active and very large volcano. When we visited it some years ago we were standing in the viewing gallery when the ground beneath our feet trembled and several windows suddenly cracked. The sleeping giant was grumbling in its sleep. The land mass created by the volcano is Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

Las Cañadas caldera, Mount Teide. Not dead just sleeping! The UN Committee for Disaster Mitigation has listed Teide for close observation due to its history of powerful eruptions and its location near several large towns.



Found on both land and in the ocean throughout the Bahamas and the national waters of Belize are deep circular cavities known as Blue Holes which are often the entrances to cave networks, some of them up to 14 kilometres in length. Divers have reported a vast number of aquatic creatures some of which are still new to science. In addition, they’ve recorded chambers filled with stalactites and stalagmites which only form in dry caves. For the explorers this was proof that at one time, nearly 65,000 years ago, when the world was in the grip of the last major ice age, the sea level of the Bahamas was up to 150 metres lower than it is today. Over time the limestone of the islands was eroded by water and vast cave networks created. When sea levels rose again about 10,000 years ago some of these collapsed inwards and the Blue Holes were formed.

The Great Blue Hole is located in the Light House Reef aproximately halfway between Long Caye and Sandbore Caye. It is about 60 miles east from the mainland of Belize (city). In 1997 it was designated as a World Heritage site.



Located in the Kara-Kum desert of Turkmenistan is the village of Darvaza (Derweze) near to where, in 1971, a team of Soviet prospectors allegedly drilled into a large chamber filled with natural gas. The roof of the cavern collapsed leaving a crater-like sinkhole some 25 metres deep with a diameter of approximately 60 - 70 metres. It soon became evident that natural gas was still rising into the crater from even deeper sources and the story goes that the decision was made to ignite the emissions rather than risk either a concentrated build-up of gas or local poisoning. According to various sources it has burned continuously since then and has apparently been named “The Gate to Hell” by the local people. However, another source that spoke with the guides from the region claims that it is a wholly natural phenomenon.

It is most impressive at night and the glow from its flames can be seen miles away. The inside of the crater is black from carbon build up and the heat is so intense that it is only possible to stay near the edge for a few minutes.



Sanqingshan is a relatively small National Park near the city of Shangrao in the Jiangxi province of China. What it lacks in size it makes up for in shear natural beauty. It is officially the 7th World Heritage Site designated in China and has been noted for its exceptional scenic attraction. The key mystique of this remarkable place is the combination of extraordinary granite geology in the form of weird outcrops and pillars combined with seasonal climate variations than often cause mists, fogs and striking sunsets. Those that have visited this place describe a feeling of overwhelming peace and tranquility. This effect is enhanced by the profusion of natural waterfalls, pools and springs. If you allow yourself, it is truly possible to see Earth, Water, Wind and Fire joined in time.

A story that is told is that Mu-Go the “Lord of the East” wished to create a garden for the amusement of his consort “Yin” and persuaded the four elements to fuse together and create Sanqingshan as a private garden for her amusement.



From space this mysterious depression in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania really does look like a human eye. The image to the left is the "pupil" but a visit to Google Earth zoomed out a little will reveal the cliffs that make up the rest of the eye. This natural phenomenon is actually a richat structure caused by the dome shaped symmetrical uplifting of underlying geology now made visible by millennia of erosion. Please note that this explanation is not wholly accepted by the scientific community. There still remain academics that believe it is the sight of a meteor impact and yet others still that believe it resembles the formations caused by underground nuclear blasts. By the way, we estimate that the detonation would have had to be in the gigaton range. Currently no country in the world has a weapon even close to this destructive yield.

Currently scientists believe that they know what caused this formation. Hey! It's a Ri chat structure ... whatever that really means. A more Bizarre theory is that it is the impact site of an ancient but very powerful bomb.


Located in one of the flattest places on the face of this planet are the strange and unexplained Sailing Stones of Racetrack Playa - Death Valley - California - USA. Once a year the "Playa" or flat desert pan experiences short winter rains and becomes slippery as the hexagonal desert floor turns back to mud. During this time the boulders and rocks move leaving clearly visible tracks behind them. Although scientists believe that high winds are responsible, some of the rocks will suddenly change directions and move at almost perfect right angles to their previous direction. All the evidence suggests that this is not a hoax although it is also said that the movement of these rocks has never been captured on film or video. In this technological age we wonder why time lapse photography hasn't been used?

The Sailing Stones add mystique to Death Valley but the real strangeness of this place is its desperate isolation, heat and incredible flatness.

5 Most Weird Prisons in the World.

on Monday, May 20, 2013

Prisoners in a Prison are not suppose to have freedom, but to an extend this rule is not too hard at every other place. Every country have there own way of treating prisoners, it may be with dancing lessons, a family lounge or luxury of playing and watching movies. Today is Odd Stuff Magazine we have collected some of the most weirdest prisons around the world.

Cebu Prison (Philippines): Famous dancing inmates – It’s pure entertainment here with murderers, drug dealers and sex offenders dancing to pop music in unison. The dancing is the unnatural evolution of the exercise program at the prison. Around 1,500 prisoners can contribute to the performances and they also tend to perform at charitable or cultural events and get paid for their work. The prison also does live shows, after which spectators can have their pictures taken with some of the inmates and buy souvenir T-shirts. Via

Justizzentrum Leoben (Austria): Most Luxurious Jail - Justizzentrum Leoben is a minimum security prison in Austria. It’s a court and prison complex located in the quaint city of Leoben and considered to be the most luxurious prison on the planet. The prison is for low-risk offenders, since the maximum period of incarceration there is 18 months. In their spare time, the prisoners at the Justizzentrum Leoben can make use of the walking yard, the two fitness rooms, the table tennis facilities, or the multimedia room. Alternatively, they can enjoy some quiet time in the library. Via

Kresty Prison (Russia): Most overcrowded prison - Russia’s prisons have a reputation for being the most overcrowded on earth, especially Kresty Prison in St. Petersburg. The official capacity is set at 3,000, but the actual population is always at least 10,000. Each prisoner is also said to only be allowed 4 square meters of space each and 15 minutes a week to shower. In summer 2006 Vladimir Putin announced that the prison would be relocated to a new facility in the Kolpinsky District on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg. Via

Alcatraz (California): Most famous prison - Locally as the Rock, the Alcatraz is a small island located in the middle of San Francisco Bay in California, US and reputedly the most famous prison in the world. It served as a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison followed by a federal prison until 1963. It became a national recreation area in 1972 and received landmarking designations in 1976 and 1986. Today, the island is a historic site operated by the National Park Service as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and is open to tours. Via

Aranjuez Prison (Spain): Prison with cosy family cells - It’s the only prison in the world with cell units for families: Disney characters on the walls, a nursery, a playground for toddlers. The idea is for kids to bond with their imprisoned parents while young enough to be oblivious to their surroundings, and for inmates seeking rehabilitation to learn parenting skills. The prison in this town, 40 kms south of Madrid, has 36 cell units for families, although now only 16 are occupied, most with Latin Americans. The units of the special F-1 section are known in jail jargon as ‘five-star cells’.


on Monday, May 13, 2013



At Ripley’s we have a long history of featuring what Robert Ripley used to affectionately call “Pranks of Nature.”  We have found two-head kittens, two-headed milk snakes, and two-headed tortoises.

However, I don’t think we have ever seen anything as unbelievable as this two-headed bull shark!


A fisherman from the Florida Keys caught a bull shark.  When he opened her up, he found a two-headed fetus!

He donated the two-headed shark to scientists who are now studying the creature.

The scientific term for the shark’s mutation is called “axial bifurcation,” which basically means the shark started as a twin and never finished separating.

These types of mutations are incredibly rare, but even more rare are these animals chances of survival.

The two-headed bull shark did not survive after the fisherman caught it, but scientists said its mutation put it at such a giant risk with predators, it’s chance of survival in the wild was very slim to begin with.


“Soapman” lived in Philadelphia and was buried there around 1800. The body was discovered in 1875 during the digging of a train depot foundation.
This unusual preservation occurred because water seeped into the casket and brought alkaline soil with it, turning the fats in his body to soap through a type of hydrolysis known as saponification.

Soapman is not currently available for public viewing. I’ve apparently seen Fight Club too many times, because the first thing I thought of when I heard about Soapman was Tyler Durdin. I’m also guessing that Lush won’t be making a person scented soap anytime soon.


Sold in the 19th century, Vampire Killing Kits contain the items considered necessary fir the protection of persons who traveled into the countries of Eastern Europe, where the populace was reportedly plagued with a peculiar manifestation of evil known as Vampires.

A pistol with accoutrements
Silver bullets
Wooden Stake
Professor Bloomberg’s new serum
Garlic powder and other concoctions

Ripley’s owns one of the world’s largest collection of Vampire Killing Kits. No two kits are exactly alike!

Top 10 Most Haunted Places.

on Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Everyone seems to know of at least one haunted house; as kids there was almost certainly one in our own neighbourhood. This list contains the most famous and most haunted places in the world. 
Borley Rectory, Essex, England
1. Borley Rectory, Essex, England [Wikipedia]The haunting of the Borley Rectory during the 1920s and 1930s, is undoubtedly one of the most famous in Britain, as well as being one of the most controversial. The wealth of sightings and experiences by independent witnesses, suggests that although much of the phenomena can be explained in rational terms, a percentage remains which can still be seen as inexplicable at the present time.

The Whaley House, California
2. The Whaley House, California [Wikipedia]Author deTraci Regula relates her experiences with the house: “Over the years, while dining across the street at the Old Town Mexican Cafe, I became accustomed to noticing that the shutters of the second-story windows [of the Whaley House] would sometimes open while we ate dinner, long after the house was closed for the day. On a recent visit, I could feel the energy in several spots in the house, particularly in the courtroom, where I also smelled the faint scent of a cigar, supposedly Whaley’s calling-card. In the hallway, I smelled perfume, initially attributing that to the young woman acting as docent, but some later surreptitious sniffing in her direction as I talked to her about the house revealed her to be scent-free.”

Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England
3. Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England [Wikipedia]aynham Hall is a country house in Norfolk, England. For 300 years it has been the seat of the Townshend family. The hall gave its name to the area, known as East Raynham, and is reported to be haunted, providing the scene for possibly the most famous ghost photo of all time, the famous Brown Lady descending the staircase. However, the ghost has not been reported since the photo was taken. Its most famous resident was Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend (1674-1738), leader in the House of Lords.

The Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana
4. The Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana [Wikipedia]The Myrtles Plantation was built in 1796 by General David Bradford and called Laurel Grove. Touted as “one of America’s most haunted homes”, the plantation is supposedly home of at least 12 ghosts.[9] It is often reported that 10 murders occurred in the house, but historical records only indicate the murder of William Winter. Possibly the most well known of the Myrtles supposed ghosts, Chloe (sometimes Cleo) was reportedly a slave owned by Clark and Sara Woodruff. According to one story, Clark Woodruff had pressured or forced Chloe into being his mistress. Chloe and Clark were caught by Sara Woodruff, and Chloe began to listen at keyholes, trying to learn what would happen to her.

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia

5. Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia [Wikipedia]Designed by John Haviland and opened in 1829, Eastern State is considered to be the world’s first true penitentiary. Its revolutionary system of incarceration, dubbed the Pennsylvania System, originated and encouraged solitary confinement as a form of rehabilitation. On June 1st, 2007 a television show called “Most Haunted” went live to the penitentiary. Part of the group went to Al Capones cell. Two people passed out while “investigating” the prison. One member of the team, Yvette, stated that “this is the most evil place I have ever been.” They claimed to have had contact with spirits but there was no hard evidence that their claims were legitimate.

The Tower of London, London
6. The Tower of London, London [Wikipedia]Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress The Tower of London, more commonly known as the Tower of London (and historically simply as The Tower), is an historic monument in central London, England on the north bank of the River Thames. Perhaps the most well-known ghostly resident of the Tower is the spirit of Ann Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was also beheaded in the Tower in 1536. Her ghost has been spotted on many occasions, sometimes carrying her head, on Tower Green and in the Tower Chapel Royal.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Kentucky
7. Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Kentucky [Wikipedia]Waverly Hills Sanatorium, located in Louisville, Kentucky, opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. It has been popularized on television as being one of the “most haunted” hospitals in the eastern United States, and was seen on ABC/FOX Family Channel’s Scariest Places On Earth as well as VH1′s Celebrity Paranormal Project. It was also seen on the Sci Fi Channel’s Ghost Hunters. Ghost investigators who have ventured into Waverly have reported a host of strange paranormal phenomena, including voices of unknown origin, isolated cold spots and unexplained shadows. Screams have been heard echoing in its now abandoned hallways, and fleeting apparitions have been encountered.

The Queen Mary, California
8. The Queen Mary, California [Wikipedia]RMS Queen Mary is an ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967 for Cunard Line (then Cunard White Star Line). The Queen Mary was purchased by the city of Long Beach, California in 1967 and transformed into a hotel. The most haunted area of the ship is the engine room where a 17-year-old sailor was crushed to death trying to escape a fire. Knocking and banging on the pipes around the door has been heard and recorded by numerous people. In what is now the front desk area of the hotel, visitors have seen the ghost of a “lady in white.” Ghosts of children are said to haunt the ship’s pool.

The White House, Washington DC
9. The White House, Washington DC [Wikipedia]The home of the presidents of the United States. President Harrison is said to be heard rummaging around in the attic of the White House, looking for who knows what. President Andrew Jackson is thought to haunt his White House bedroom. And the ghost of First Lady Abigail Adams was seen floating through one of the White House hallways, as if carrying something. The most frequently sighted presidential ghost has been that of Abraham Lincoln. Eleanor Roosevelt once stated she believed she felt the presence of Lincoln watching her as she worked in the Lincoln bedroom. Also during the Roosevelt administration, a young clerk claimed to have actually seen the ghost of Lincoln sitting on a bed pulling off his boots.

Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
10. Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland [Wikipedia]Edinburgh Castle is reputed to be one of the most haunted spots in Scotland. And Edinburgh itself has been called the most haunted city in all of Europe. On various occasions, visitors to the castle have reported a phantom piper, a headless drummer, the spirits of French prisoners from the Seven Years War and colonial prisoners from the American Revolutionary War – even the ghost of a dog wandering in the grounds’ dog cemetery.

Morocco In Grip Of DOG MEAT Scandal After Police Find Carcasses Of Pets Destined For Restaurants.

on Tuesday, May 7, 2013

  • Police in Casablanca find 37 dog carcasses in back of butcher's van 
  • Man said they were destined for restaurants in poor parts of city
  • Investigation into illegal trade of dog meat launched

Authorities in Morocco have launched an investigation into the illegal trade of dog meat after 37 carcasses were discovered in the back of a butcher's van.

A man was arrested in the centre of Casablanca after his Honda vehicle was pulled over for a routine traffic offence, it was reported.

Officers decided to search the car and found the dog carcasses in the back.

The driver told police he planned to sell them to restaurants in the poorer areas of the city where they would most likely be used in sausages.

Police have now launched an investigation into the discovery of the dog corpses which they say were 'slaughtered, skinned and prepared for processing into sausages'.

Dog ownership and consumption has been a controversial topic in Morocco, a strictly Islamic country, in recent years.

In January 2009, a restaurant owner in Casablanca was jailed for six years for selling dog meat presented as beef to his customers.

During the investigation, the man confessed to preparing the dog meat with chemicals to mask the smell and colour of it.

His four accomplices were sentenced to between eight months and four years in prison. 

Islamic traditionalists have also been known to poison large numbers of stray dogs because they view them as 'unclean animals'.

Latest News - Israel Strikes Inside Syria Amid Reports of New Massacres (Video).

on Sunday, May 5, 2013

TEL AVIV, Israel, May 4, 2013 -

Israeli warplanes struck weapons inside Syria that were bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, American and Israeli officials say.

The attack, which reportedly took place Friday morning, was the second such strike this year, further raising fears that Syria's two-year civil war could spill over into neighboring countries.

News of the strike comes as graphic evidence emerges of what a watchdog group says are scores of deaths in fighting and mass executions by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in and around the coastal city of Baniyas.

Hundreds are reportedly fleeing amid fears of further sectarian-fueled violence.

Unidentified Israeli officials told The Associated Press that the targets of the strike were sophisticated "game-changing" weapons, including long range ground-to-ground missiles. It was unclear from the officials' reports where it took place and whether Israel's warplanes had attacked from Syrian or Lebanese airspace.

The Israeli Prime Minister's office and military declined to comment, which is the standard response following a secret operation. Israel has repeatedly warned that it would not hesitate to act to prevent its enemies from getting there hands on weapons, particularly chemical weapons.

The Reuters news agency reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly convened his security cabinet on Thursday night, ahead of the attack.

American officials first told news outlets on Friday night that the strike had taken place overnight Thursday, which was followed Saturday by the anonymous Israeli response.

Syrian state media made no mention of the strike and Syria's ambassador to the United Nations said he was not aware of any attack.

In January, Syrian officials responded quickly when Israeli warplanes are believed to have targeted a convoy carrying Russian-made SA-17 surface-to-air missiles, which were also said to be bound for Hezbollah.

There hasn't been an outright claim of responsibility by Israel, but days after that strike, then-Defense Minister Ehud Barak said: "That is another proof that when we say something we mean it. We say that we don't think it should be allowable to bring advanced weapons systems into Lebanon."

A top Israeli defense official dismissed the confirmation of the Friday strike, but not the strike itself.

"I don't know what or who confirmed what, who are these sources?" asked Amos Gilad, a senior strategist in the ministry. "In my book only the [military] spokesperson unit is official."

There is no suggestion that any of the weapons struck allegedly were chemical weapons and Gilad said he believes Hezbollah doesn't want them.

"Syria has large amounts of chemical weaponry and missiles. Everything there is under [regime] control," Gilad said, according to Israeli reports. "Hezbollah does not have chemical weaponry. We have ways of knowing.

"They are not keen to take weaponry like this, preferring systems that can cover all of the country [of Israel]," he added, referring to the estimated 60,000 rockets in Hezbollah's arsenal.
- Video -

Jinns and Exorcisms (video).

In this lecture Abu Muhammad talks about the main causes of being affected by the jinn and what are the Islamic Sharia ways of removing Magic, Evil eye, etc. At the end of the lecture there is a short video showing real life Exorcism

Abu Mohammed (Nadir) Has been performing Ruqyah according to the Quran and Sunnah for over 10 years. An active member of his local masjid in London u.k. and Human Relief foundation. He has been around different masjids and had pruduced DVDs to educate the Muslim masses about the correct practice of ruqyah in order to dispel and misconceptions or ignorance surround this serious matter.

For more Info about Abu Muhammad go to


The Ahmed Deedat Collection - By Ahmed Deedat.

Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat 

Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat was Born on the 01 July 1918 in the Surat district of India in 1918. His father emigrated to South Africa in 1927 with him. After reading a book called Izharul Haq – The Truth revealed, a book about a debate with Christian Missionaries in the then British India, Sheikh Deedat was spurred on in the direction of Dawah – Islamic Missionary Activity to halt the tide of the then Christian onslaught against Islam. Over the next four decades, he immersed himself into a host of activities.

Conducting Bible classes, lectures and debates the world over. He established the first Islamic Seminary in Southern Africa to train propagators at Assalaam educational Institute - Braemar.

He is the founder of the largest Islamic Dawah Organization in the world, the Islamic Propagation Center International and became its president. He delivered thousands of lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates.

Sheikh Deedat’s debates and lectures are available all over the world in the various languages in Video and DVD format. His career in the field of Comparative Religion took him across all five continents and dialogue with the heads of the Protestant world in America.

May Almighty Allah bless his soul, accept his efforts for the cause of da’wah and grant gracious patience to his loved ones during this trying time.

     The Books :

Guinness World Records 2013 - The largest mining truck body by volume

on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The largest mining truck body by volume is the Westech T282C Flow Control Body which has a volume of 470.4 cubic metres at a coal density of 0.86 tons/m3. It was designed and manufactured by WESTECH (USA) an Austin Engineering LTD company and was presented and measured at the North Antelope Rochelle Mine, Wyoming, USA.

Picture: Guinness World Records